Forex: when we want to make a major investment, such as buying a house in London, we must also consider the impact that the pound sterling can have on our liquid financial portfolio.

Analysing the performance of Sterling against the major currencies over the past two weeks we can see that:

(a) the GBP to USD exchange rate has recorded its lowest figure since 1985 at $1.15;

b) the GBP to EUR exchange rate fell to 1.07 EUR.

Dwelling on the latter, sterling was trading against the euro at an exchange rate of around €1.20 in February.

Unanimous forecasts estimate that the exchange rate between the two currencies will be close to EUR 1.25, so differentiating one’s currency portfolio today is a consequential choice.

Currency can be purchased through specialised companies, without necessarily paying the full countervalue immediately.

Indeed, by paying 10 % of the nominal value, one books the entire countervalue and locks in the exchange rate for 12 months on the date of the transaction.

In this way you mitigate the risk of exchange rate volatility when you are about to buy a house in London, with delivery dates not imminent.

Our company has an agreement with one of the main FOREX (Foreign Exchange Market) companies in London, which will be able to assist you by guiding you through all the necessary steps to carry out the purchase transaction at the lowest average exchange rates charged by the main banking institutions.For more information you can write to our contact details or contact the Privalgo Ltd Partnership Manager in the person of William Stephenson at or consult the website:




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